We are supporting the dedicated young men those who are serving the Lord in the remote villages and they are preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached people groups. Currently, we are supporting 20 Pastors those who are serving in the rural villages. We are eagarly expand to plant more churches in unreached villages in very near future according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
And we are supporting these 20 pastors financially on monthly basis as much as we can. And we have a great need of constructing the church buildings in new villages where there is no church not yet been construtcted. Once in a month, we have outreach programmes to reach the unreached people to win them for Christ.
Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the unsaved people. Therefore, we are serving Him in conducting Public Meetings, Fasting Prayers, Alnight Prayers, Street Meetings, Cottage Prayers, House visitings, Hospital Visitings and distributing the free gospel tracts at the Bus and Railway Stations and in the Schools. And we used to show the Jesus Films in the street and public meetings to present the Gospel and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ.