We are supporting the poor and needy orphan children by providing food and clothes occassionally. And we are serving the children in the following ways.
Providing the Food and Clothes :
We are providing the food and clothes to the poor and needy orphan children occassionally by the faithful gifts and donations from our churches. Many of the children are the semi orphans and some of them we found as orphans.
School Bag Distribution :
We used to distribute the school bags to the poor and needy school going children every year when the academic year has been started. The school bag contains the Note books, Pens, Pencils, Water Bottle other things which will be sufficient for year long.
Another greet need we have is to start a Children Home. We would like to start a the Children Home to provide proper food, shelter and education to the poor, destitute, street and orphan children to lead them to Christ. If any kind heart inspired by the Holy Spirit to sponsor us to start a Children Home, they will be blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Proverbs 19:17 and James 1:27.